Message During the Pandemic
Well hello there!
I’m Sister Rose Marie Tulacz, a Sister of Notre Dame for 45 years. In 1993, I founded Notre Dame Creations, a ministry of fine art liturgical, nature and landscape photography.
I am passionate about photographing amazement, beauty, mystery, awesomeness, and the holy.
My photography is about God loving the world and our being astonished at beholding such love.
More than ever our earth is crying out to be more intentionally reverenced and cared for. To be communed with, not exploited.
Our earth is sick. People are suffering. We feel their pain. We need to reconnect in our shared grief. We can unite and accompany with a distance that embraces everyone. We can change so the virus can’t survive.
Slowly we are being re-taught, re-set for the taking care of our common home and our common humanity. If we do the most loving gestures, if we leave no one behind, we will find a way through these “corona moments”.
“It has been said hope is one beggar showing another beggar where the bread is.”
We may not be able to go outside, but we can go inside.
As you enter these pages, take time to ponder the wildness and beauty of life and the symbols of Faith. Join me in prayer uniting with the crucified people in our midst and beyond. What does it matter that Jesus rose from the dead 2,020 years ago if we do not resurrect Jesus in our own day?
How do we practice resurrection today? How do we give away even a piece of the wrappings of our Lord Jesus resurrected from the tomb? How do we give away the garment of our Baptism we are lavishly clothed in by God and rise from our corona tomb?
By being men and women of faith, of resiliency, of hope. And what is hope? It has been said hope is one beggar showing another beggar where the bread is.
Please consider owning or gifting a piece of this hope. Loving what God loves and willing what God gives. Your tangible hope will multiply a thousandfold to help us meet the pressing spiritual and humanitarian needs of those we serve in this time of pandemic.
The world has changed, but not our mission.
In solidarity,
Sister Rose Marie Tulacz