Spiritual Retreats, Talks,
Parish Missions, Faith Formation, Family Catechesis
I am a servant of the Gospel. I have deeply experienced God’s love and mercy, and my identity, vision, and ministry are intertwined in these experiences. By God’s grace and help, this ministry has been blessed.
I believe that without a deep experience of God in our life, there can be no mission, no vision, no true purpose. We must live from our experience. As a photographer, Spiritual Director, spiritual presenter, and a Sister of Notre Dame, I am passionate about sharing with others this great love and mercy of Abba, our Father. I can’t do it, but the Holy Spirit, through Mary our Mother makes it happen. In faith, I bring my own story and the story of Jesus to the story of others so that together we find meaning, healing, resurrection and nurture a deep friendship with Jesus.
I am confident that in my work with individuals and groups, God is very active and present in their lives. I see my role as helping people to name and claim that presence, to take ownership of their experience of God. When that experience encounters God’s Word in prayer, the inspiration of others, and the workings of the Holy Spirit, then theology, spirituality, and catechesis flourish naturally and transformation takes place.
I grew up in Los Angeles. I pronounced vows as a Sister of Notre Dame in 1975. I taught for sixteen years in elementary school and junior high school. In 1993 I founded Notre Dame Creations, a ministry of liturgical and fine art photography and spirituality. In addition to a BA in Education and an MA in Education and Administration, a few years ago I completed an MA in Pastoral Theology and Ministry from Boston College, and graduate studies in Spiritual Direction from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles.
I am an experienced presenter and offer days of reflection, scripture, prayer, Parish Missions, bible study, Faith Formation, Family Catechesis, 12-Step Spirituality, Ignatian focused retreats, and spiritual talks world-wide.
Sister Rose Marie Tulacz and His Holiness Pope John Paul II, Vatican City, Jubilee Holy Year 2000.
I have been privileged to travel to many parts of the world to photograph, to speak, to give spiritual retreats, and to experience and accompany the poor and marginalized. The Church and the world at large have become my home. During this pandemic, I have begun to distribute solar cell phone chargers to the homeless and individuals isolated and evicted due to the severe lockdowns in Los Angeles and surrounding cities. I am exploring ways to expand this. I created and have given the evening highlight, Sacred Illuminations, for the past ten years at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Religious Education Congress in Anaheim.
The pandemic reminds us we are in the midst of a new Evangelization. We need to unleash the Gospel and re-imagine our Church in new ways—to embrace all God’s children because Jesus did it first. We aren’t here to live in fear of change or the future. We are here to grasp the vision and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to listen and be guided to shape it.
My presentations are available in person or by Zoom. They will help you to thrive and live from the inside out in this new period of transition and great awakening, to grow in the contemplative life and to risk the truth that our deepest wounds can be our most sacred gift. The presentations, retreats, Spiritual Direction, and zoom chats do not change people directly. They position people so that they can grow and be changed by God.
How may I help you, your family, parish, or faith community to stay connected during this pandemic? I am available for working with pastors to create zoom invitations for parishioners, retreats, talks, workshops, and events. I have references and testimonies that I can share with you.
I will work with your needs and welcome you to contact me with your questions.
Some of the types of offerings available:
Development, formation and reflection for Parish Pastoral Councils
Ministers of the Word
Ministers of the Eucharist
Bereavement Ministry
Women’s Bible Study
Catechist Teachers
Parish Staff
Leaders for parish based sacramental preparation programs
Sessions with parents/guardians of children preparing for the sacraments
Family Spirituality
Praying with Scripture: Contemplative Prayer/Ignatian Contemplation
Reflection day for children preparing for Sacrament of Reconciliation/First Eucharist/ Confirmation/Graduation
Sister Rose Marie Tulacz

The world around us is alive with the miracles of God’s hand. From the tiniest ant to the tallest mountain, everything is a testament to His love. And we are honored to be able to share with you the Reflections of His Love.
Sisters of Notre Dame
The Sisters of Notre Dame were founded in 1850 in Germany. Today, our members are ministering all over the world. And though we each may walk on different roads, we share a common path and, in imitation of Our Lady, follow Christ.
Our ministries have focused on the spiritual, educational, and humanitarian needs of our community. We have joyfully taught the young, nursed the sick, and assisted the poor. And through our pastoral and social work, we have touched the souls of those who have seemed to have been forgotten by all but Him. And so, by doing His work, we have made our greatest dream come true: to share with others our love of God, and our trust in His goodness and provident care.